
Thank you to the Journal of the Medical Library Association reviewers in 2018

Katherine G. Akers, PhD

doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.5195/jmla.2019.658

The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) sincerely thanks the 210 peer reviewers in 2018.

The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) sincerely thanks the 210 reviewers in 2018 who helped vet and improve the quality of work published in our journal.

The JMLA is always looking to expand our pool of reviewers who can critically comment on any topic of research or practice in health sciences librarianship. If you are interested in serving as a peer reviewer for the JMLA, please send your CV to the editor-in-chief at jmla@journals.pitt.edu.


Lisa M. Acuff, AHIP Peter Kokol
Nancy E. Adams Julie Kosteniuk
Kendra Albright Michelle Kraft, AHIP
Kristine M. Alpi, AHIP Gretchen Kuntz
Katherine Anderson Leena Lalwani
Katelyn Angell Jennifer Langford
Nell Aronoff Mariana Lapidus
Marie T. Ascher Janna C. Lawrence, AHIP
Elena Azadbakht Mê-Linh Lê, AHIP
Michael Bales Cedric Lefebvre
Becky Baltich Nelson Noah Lenstra
Ann Barrett Len Levin, AHIP
Jill Barr-Walker J. Michael Lindsay, AHIP
Michelle B. Bass, AHIP Anne M. Linton, AHIP
Danielle Becker Eddie Loh
Tanja Bekhuis, AHIP Diane Lorenzetti
Donna R. Berryman, AHIP Tara R. Malone
Skye Bickett, AHIP Derek Marshall
Lindsay E. Blake, AHIP Heather J. Martin, AHIP
Amy Blevins Lisa Mastin
Catherine Boden Sarah McClung
Sarah Bonato Karen McElfresh, AHIP
John Alexander Borghi Sandra McKeown
Jill Boruff, AHIP Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco
Patricia Bradley, AHIP Misa Mi, AHIP
Wichor Bramer Elizabeth Moreton
Ellen Brassil, AHIP Martin Morris
Riley Brian Whitney Mortensen
Stewart Brower, AHIP Bethany Myers, AHIP
Janis Brown, AHIP Robin Naughton
Nicole Capdarest-Arest, AHIP Joey Nicholson
Alexander J. Carroll, AHIP Tyler Nix
Tallie Casucci Hannah Norton, AHIP
Susan Cavanaugh Melanie J. Norton
Thane Chambers Kelly O’Brien
Amy Chatfield Will Olmstadt, AHIP
Marina Chilov Rob O’Riley
Keith W. Cogdill, AHIP Erica Owusu
Marisa Conte, AHIP Jessica Page
I. Diane Cooper, AHIP Janet Papadakos
Jill Crawley-Low Ninfa Pena-Purcell
Andrew Creamer Robert Perret
John W. Cyrus Gerald J. Perry, AHIP, FMLA
Nicole Dalmer Keith Pickett
Prudence W. Dalrymple, AHIP, FMLA JJ Pionke
Ariel Deardorff T. Scott Plutchak, AHIP, FMLA
Sandy De Groote, AHIP Kimberly R. Powell
Basia Delawska-Elliott, AHIP Zahra Premji
Frances Delwiche Katherine Prentice, AHIP
Robin Desmeules Alexandria Quesenberry
Jennifer Dinalo Rebecca Raszewski, AHIP
Daniel Dollar Rebecca Raworth
Amy Donahue Kevin Read
Kathel Dunn Robyn Reed, AHIP
Martha Earl, AHIP Melissa L. Rethlefsen, AHIP
Erin R. B. Eldermire Rebecca Reznik-Zellen
Yamila El-Khayat Morwenna Rogers
Keith Engwall, AHIP Stephanie Roth, AHIP
Mette Eriksen Pamela Royle
Julia Esparza, AHIP Sarah Safranek
Alison Farrell Megan Sapp Nelson
Lisa Federer, AHIP Cathy Sarli, AHIP
Susan Fowler Nancy Schaefer, AHIP
Suzanne Fricke, AHIP Cynthia Schmidt
Emily Ginier Carolyn Schubert
Dean Giustini Stephanie J. Schulte
Emily J. Glenn Diane G. Schwartz, FMLA
Abigail Goben Barbara Sen
Alexandra Gomes, AHIP Carol Shannon
Xan Y. Goodman, AHIP Robert M. Shapiro II
Sally Gore Chen Su-may Sheih
Kelsey Grabeel, AHIP Jean P. Shipman, AHIP, FMLA
Vera Granikov Mary Shultz
Charles J. Greenberg, AHIP Shannon Sibbald
Xiaomei Gu John Siegel, AHIP
Jean Gudenas, AHIP Mary Simons
Karen Gutzman Angela Spencer, AHIP
Gali Halevi Elizabeth Stellrecht
Laura Hall Sean Stone
Rosie Hanneke, AHIP Alisa Surkis
Gale G. Hannigan, AHIP Stephanie M. Swanberg, AHIP
Teresa Hartman Natalie Tagge
R. Brian Haynes Nancy Tannery
Margaret Henderson, AHIP Michele R. Tennant, AHIP
Elizabeth G. Hinton, AHIP Marilyn G. Teolis, AHIP
Toni Hoberecht, AHIP Nicole Theis-Mahon, AHIP
Heather N. Holmes, AHIP Annie Thompson
Allison M. Howard, AHIP JoLinda L. Thompson, AHIP
Carol L. Howe Whitney A. Townsend
Shanda Hunt Natalia Tukhareli
Rebecca Jacob Christine Urquhart
Sarah T. Jewell Jim Van Loon
Phill Jo, AHIP Emily Vardell
Emily M. Johnson, AHIP Matt Vassar
Timothy Johnson Kathryn Vela, AHIP
Claire B. Joseph, AHIP Megan von Isenburg, AHIP
Jill R. Kavanaugh, AHIP Amanda Wanner, AHIP
Susan Keller Carol Watwood, AHIP
Erin E. Kerby Terrie R. Wheeler
Andrea M. Ketchum, AHIP Judith Wiener
Jessica Kilham Christina L. Wissinger
Sujin Kim Joe Wu
Elizabeth J. Kiscaden, AHIP Lin Wu, AHIP
Stephen Kiyoi, AHIP Jingfeng Xia
Mary Lou Klem Yan Zhang
Amy C. Knehans, AHIP  



Katherine G. Akers, PhD, JMLA@journals.pitt.edu, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4578-6575, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the Medical Library Association

Articles in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This journal is published by the University Library System of the University of Pittsburgh as part of its D-Scribe Digital Publishing Program and is cosponsored by the University of Pittsburgh Press.

Journal of the Medical Library Association, VOLUME 107, NUMBER 2, April 2019