Evolving from public health libraries as a place to focus on public health librarian expertise
Public health, Academic libraries, Library spaces, Branch libraries, Health departments, Public health librarianshipAbstract
Objective: This article describes the evolution of academic public health library services from standalone academic public health libraries in 2004 to centralized services by 2021.
Methods: Five public health libraries serving public health graduate programs (SPH) at public and private institutions were visited in 2006-07. Visits comprised tours, semi-structured interviews with librarians and local health department staff, and collecting of contemporary print documents. We compiled and compared visit notes across libraries. In 2022, we reviewed online materials announcing library closure or transition for timing and how services were to be subsequently provided.
Results: Libraries and SPH were co-located and most librarians maintained public health expertise though they did not have faculty appointments in their SPHs. Specialized statistical and geographic information systems (GIS) software and data were provided in partnership, often with other system libraries. Only two libraries had strong connections to health departments–one with direct service agreements and another engaged in public health training.
Conclusion: Academic public health libraries’ relationships with SPH and health departments did not ensure their existence as standalone entities. Following a national trend for branch libraries, public health information services were centralized into larger health or science libraries. The scope and specialization of librarian expertise continues to be valued with several institutions having librarians dedicated to public health.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kristine M. Alpi, MLS, MPH, PhD, AHIP, FMLA, Kayla M. Del Biondo, MSLIS, Melissa L. Rethlefsen, MSLS, AHIP

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