Exploring librarians’ practices when teaching advanced searching for knowledge synthesis: results from an online survey





Evidence Synthesis, teaching strategies, Literature Searching


Objective: There is little research available regarding the instructional practices of librarians who support students completing knowledge synthesis projects. This study addresses this research gap by identifying the topics taught, approaches, and resources that academic health sciences librarians employ when teaching students how to conduct comprehensive searches for knowledge synthesis projects in group settings.

Methods: This study applies an exploratory-descriptive design using online survey data collection. The final survey instrument included 31 open, closed, and frequency-style questions.

Results: The survey received responses from 114 participants, 74 of whom met the target population. Some key results include shared motivations to teach in groups, including student learning and curriculum requirements, as well as popular types of instruction such as single session seminars, and teaching techniques, such as lectures and live demos.

Conclusion: This research demonstrates the scope and coverage of librarian-led training in the knowledge synthesis research landscape. Although searching related topics such as Boolean logic were the most frequent, librarians report teaching throughout the review process like methods and reporting. Live demos and lectures were the most reported approaches to teaching, whereas gamification or student-driven learning were used rarely. Our results suggest that librarian’s application of formal pedagogical approaches while teaching knowledge synthesis may be under-utilized, as most respondents did not report using any formal instructional framework.


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Original Investigation