“Blacklists” and “whitelists”: a salutary warning concerning the prevalence of racist language in discussions of predatory publishing


  • Frank Houghton Director, HEALR Research Group, Limerick Institute of Technology, Limerick http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7599-5255
  • Sharon Houghton Psychology Department, University of Limerick, Limerick




Racism, Predatory Publishing


This commentary addresses the widespread use of racist language in discussions concerning predatory publishing. Examples include terminology such as blacklists, whitelists, and black sheep. The use of such terms does not merely reflect a racist culture, but also serves to legitimize and perpetuate it.

Author Biography

Frank Houghton, Director, HEALR Research Group, Limerick Institute of Technology, Limerick

Dr Frank Houghton is Director of the HEALR Research Group at Limerick Institute of Technology. He is a Public Health Geographer with research interests in information access and publishing. He was formerly Chair of the Department of Public Health & Health Administration at Eastern Washington University in Spokane, WA.


Associate Professor & Chair, Department of Public Health & Health Administration


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