Evaluating the discoverability of supporting research materials in ClinicalTrials.gov for US federally funded COVID-19 clinical studies





Clinical studies, COVID-19, Data sharing, clinicaltrials.gov, research transparency, discoverability


Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the discoverability of supporting research materials, including supporting documents, individual participant data (IPD), and associated publications, in US federally funded COVID-19 clinical study records in ClinicalTrials.gov (CTG).

Methods: Study registration records were evaluated for (1) links to supporting documents, including protocols, informed consent forms, and statistical analysis plans; (2) information on how unaffiliated researchers may access IPD and, when applicable, the linking of the IPD record back to the CTG record; and (3) links to associated publications and, when applicable, the linking of the publication record back to the CTG record.

Results: 206 CTG study records were included in the analysis. Few records shared supporting documents, with only 4% of records sharing all 3 document types. 27% of records indicated they intended to share IPD, with 45% of these providing sufficient information to request access to the IPD. Only 1 dataset record was located, which linked back to its corresponding CTG record. The majority of CTG records did not have links to publications (61%), and only 21% linked out to at least 1 results publication. All publication records linked back to their corresponding CTG records.

Conclusion: With only 4% of records sharing all supporting document types, 12% sufficient information to access IPD, and 21% results publications, improvements can be made to the discoverability of research materials in federally funded, COVID-19 CTG records. Sharing these materials on CTG can increase their discoverability, therefore increasing the validity, transparency, and reusability of clinical research.

Author Biographies

Paije Wilson, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health

Health Sciences Librarian, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI

Vojtech Huser, The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences

Adjunct Professor of Clinical Research and Leadership, The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Washington, D.C.


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